High Expectations
At Alder, we make no excuses for our high expectations. This is one of the many reasons that you chose our school. From Monday, there will be some amendments to the behaviour policy to ensure that our expectations are held high and outstanding teaching and learning can occur in the classroom.
We are incredibly proud of the way Alder students wear their uniform with pride. However, we have seen a small number of students who are not arriving to school in correct uniform. From Monday, all students without the correct uniform (including ties) will be given the opportunity to correct it using our school supplies and if they fail to do so, will be placed in Compass (our internal inclusion unit - formerly known as Stage 2). Students wearing bracelets, rings, large earrings or more than one pair of plain studs will have their jewellery confiscated to be collected at the end of the school day. As ever, we will continue to work with families to ensure we can support with uniform in any way we can.
Classroom behaviour
When a student disrupts a classroom learning environment on three occasions within one lesson, they will be given a strike 3. When students receive 2 strike 3s within one day, they will be placed in Compass.
Punctuality and attendance to lesson
Punctuality to lesson is essential to prevent the loss of learning. Any student is who is late to lesson on 2 occasions during the school day will receive a 30 minute detention after school. Students who truant lessons or refuse to go to lesson will be placed in Compass and may be suspended.
PE Lessons
Participation in PE is compulsory for all students but more importantly, it boosts wellbeing and health. All students should have their full Alder PE Kit for all lessons. If your child is injured, a note will need to be provided and your child will still get changed but will take up another role within the lesson such as timekeeper or coach. Obviously, if the injury is significant, we will not ask students to get changed. Students who do not have their PE Kit on 2 occasions will be placed in Compass. We want to create a culture where all students feel they have a part to play in a PE lesson and enjoy the many benefits physical exercise can bring.
To prepare our students for later life, they need to develop their independence. All students will be expected to attend any detentions by themselves. Any student who does not attend an after school detention or a red card detention, will be placed in Compass the following day.
We appreciate your support with this as we strive to be outstanding in all that we do!
Have a lovely weekend.