Welcome to Alder Community High School

We are pleased that you have chosen our school for your child. Our transition team are beginning to put plans in place and will work with primary schools over the coming months to ensure that your child has a smooth transition to high school. 


Thursday 4th July - Year 6 Transition Day

The Transition Day will give your child the opportunity to tour the school, meet their form tutor, meet new friends, and most importantly, make them feel confident about starting with us in September.   

Students should attend the transition day wearing their primary school uniform and arrive at 8:50am, ready for a 9am start.  They can arrive either at the front entrance of school or via the back gate entrance, members of staff will be available to direct children from 8.50am.  Students will be escorted to the main hall where they will sit with their form tutor.   

On the Transition Day, students will meet with their form tutor and form group, have a tour of the relevant sections of the school (including the dining hall) and join in with a number of ‘getting to know you’ activities.  Students will learn about our Alder Values and our Alder Rules. They will also be introduced to their Progress Leader, Mrs Paul and other key members of staff.   

There will be a limited lunchtime menu available, which is being provided free of charge to all, or children can bring a packed lunch if they would prefer. 

They will finish the day at 2.30pm. Students can be picked up from the front entrance or the back gate. They can of course, walk home alone with your permission.  If you are collecting your child by car, please bear in mind the parking restrictions in force and the fact that the car park will already be busy. It might be easier to meet children at the back of school near the open ground between Shaw Avenue and Grange Road South. Please ensure that you agree with your child what the arrangements are for the end of the day. 


New Student Admission Form 

To enable us to ensure we have all the information we require about your child as they become a student at Alder Community High School, please complete the new student admission form on the link below: 

Alder Community High School New Student Admission Form 2024 


Parental Consent and Agreement Information

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Term Dates

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Transition and Induction Documents

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Updated: 03/07/2024 344 KB
Updated: 01/07/2024 488 KB
Updated: 09/07/2020 3.92 MB
Are you ready for Alder? Work your way through these transition activities to help you prepare for life at secondary school in September.
Updated: 09/07/2020 565 KB
Practical guidance for parents and carers to support your child with their transition to Alder.