**Please note - appointment bookings will open at 6pm on 27/03/23**
Year 8 Parents' Evening is taking place face to face, at Alder Community High School on Thursday, 20th April 2023 between 3.30pm and 6.30pm. Parents and carers of students in Year 8 will be able to book 5 minute timed appointments with their child’s subject teachers. A progress update report will be issued in advance of Parents' Evening.
Parents' Evening is your opportunity to discuss your child's progress, behaviour, engagement in learning and homework in each of their subjects. You are welcome to bring your child along to Parents' Evening but they must attend in full school uniform.
Appointments can be booked online https://alderchs.schoolcloud.co.uk/
If you would also like an appointment with Mrs Hamilton, please contact her directly on k.hamilton@alderchs.uk and she will add an appointment to your booking.
If you would like an appointment with Miss Howarth, SENDCo please email sen@alderchs.uk for an appointment.