*****Please Note: Bookings do not open until 7pm on Monday, 27th February 2023*****
Year 10 Parents' Evening is taking place face to face, at Alder Community High School on Tuesday,14th March between 3.30pm and 6.30pm. Parents and carers of students in year 10 will be able to book a 5 minute timed appointment with their child’s subject teachers. To book your appointments please visit https://alderchs.schoolcloud.co.uk/
Parents' Evening is your opportunity to discuss your child's attainment, progress, behaviour, engagement in learning and homework in each of their subjects. You are welcome to bring your child along to Parents' Evening but they must attend in full school uniform.
If your child is studying combined science appointments will be available with one science teacher who will cover each of the science subjects. If your child is studying triple/separate sciences you will be able to book an appointment for each of the science subjects.
If you would also like an appointment with Mrs Robertson, please contact her directly on j.robertson@alderchs.uk and she will add an appointment to your booking.
If you would like to meet with Miss Howarth, SENDCO please email sen@alderchs.uk to request an appointment.
There is a user guide with more information on booking an appointment and accessing the system in the following document and video. If you have any issues booking an appointment please do not hesitate to contact school for assistance.