We will be holding our 2021 activity day on Wednesday 13th October 2021 when we will be taking Year 7 students to Chester Zoo. There is also a limited number of places for children from other year groups to attend if they prefer this option.
The trip will cost £25.00 which includes transport to and from Chester Zoo and entry into the park. Children will need a packed lunch, or money to purchase food; any child entitled to a free school meal will be given a packed lunch from school, if ordered in advance (please email schooltrips@alderchs.uk).
We will be leaving school at 8:30am and returning at approximately 5.00pm; parents/carers will need to make arrangements for their child's safe passage home. Please be aware that there will be no access to the school car park when the coaches return and very limited parking on the main road outside school.
To book a place on this trip parents/carers should log on to ParentPay to make the non-refundable payment.