We have only got a couple of weeks left until the summer holidays and we need to make the most of it. You can use these workouts as something physical to do each week and even have a go at them over the summer holidays. This week’s focus is on your arms (triceps and biceps). Try to push yourself and choose whichever level you feel comfortable at. Have fun!



5 x tricep dips

5 x decline push ups

5 x inchworm push ups

5 x plank up-downs

20 second shoulder taps

Repeat this sequence of exercises 3 times with a 2 minute break in between



10 x tricep dips

10 x decline push ups

10 x inchworm push ups

10 x plank up-downs

40 second shoulder taps

Repeat this sequence of exercises 3 times with a 2 minute break in between



15 x tricep dips

15 x decline push ups

15 x inchworm push ups

15 x plank up-downs

1 minute shoulder taps

Repeat this sequence of exercises 3 times with a 1 minute break in between


Activities explained

Tricep dip - https://youtu.be/6kALZikXxLc

Decline push ups - https://youtu.be/WBmXffkfcXQ

Inchworm push ups - https://youtu.be/Gv0rFtj-XjI

Plank up-downs - https://youtu.be/L4oFJRDAU4Q

Shoulder taps - https://youtu.be/wcKyqAMqueQ


Safety Note

If at any time during these exercises you feel dizzy or are in pain, then stop and rest for 5 minutes. Check you are doing the exercises correctly as explained above then continue. If pain persists, consult your doctor.