Careers Advice and Guidance

Miss J Griffiths

Head of Careers

Alder Community High School was the first school in Tameside to achieve the Quality in Careers Standard relating to careers education. For this national quality award, schools and colleges submit their CEIAG programme for rigorous external assessment and accreditation by the Licensed Awarding Body. The assessment is made against national standards, which fully incorporate the Gatsby Benchmarks for "Good Careers Guidance" by an expert CEIAG assessor who is independent from the school or college. As Alder holds this nationally recognised Quality in Careers Standard for its CEIAG, you can be assured that it does provide careers support of the quality of the best.


Careers Programme at Alder


Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance

Updated: 15/02/2024 767 KB

Your careers education will be delivered throughout all subjects during your time at Alder. Dedicated lesson time will be provided through your Personal Development lessons, but you will also gain valuable careers related experiences through a range of other events including;

  • Form time activities
  • Enrichment days
  • School trips
  • College taster days
  • University visits
  • Mock interview days
  • Careers fairs
  • Careers themed assemblies
  • Employer visits
  • Work experience

Your first port of call for more information should be your form teacher or progress leader. The Head of Careers at Alder is Mr Eaton and is always available to offer careers related advise.

All students will have a one to one meetings with our careers advisor who will provide  independent and impartial careers advice. 

Xello will be used to communicate with students regarding anything career-related. This could include applying for college or an apprenticeship.

Xello has already been a big success at Alder Community High School.

Through using Xello students have found employer encounters, work experience and apprenticeships that support their interests and needs

Students can directly access Xello by clicking this link.

For younger students, Xello will be used to track their career interests. This will enable us to target particular industries or invite interested students to listen to employer talks and participate in work-related activities.

All students can access Xello through their dashboard when logging into the career plan section of the GMACS website found here

With Xello, students will be able to:

  • Personalise your career profile
  • Use the ‘Career Matchmaker Tool’ to help you find your perfect career
  • Create your own ‘Careers Storyboard’
  • Upload your achievements, hobbies, skills, and qualities
  • Explore College, University, and Apprenticeship options
  • Find out how much you can earn
  • Set Goals and create Action Plans.


Other useful links:


Work Experience

In year 10 all students will take part in work experience during the summer term. More information will be provided during assemblies and form time activities.




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