We are pleased to be able to launch the Class Charts app to parents and carers. All parents and carers who activate their account before Monday 4th December will be entered into a prize draw, two winners will be drawn and each will win a £20 Amazon voucher.
Class Charts allows parents and carers to:
See your child's Alder achievement points so that you can share and celebrate their success
See your child's behaviour incidents so that you can discuss their behaviour choices.
See any detentions your child has been set including whether these have been attended.
See your child's timetable to help them plan their equipment and ensure they are ready to learn.
See any homework that your child has been set to help them manage their workload and work to deadlines.
See your child's attendance to support them with working towards attendance targets.
Receive announcements with important communications from your child's teachers and other school staff.
Report any reasons why your child is absent from school and provide supporting evidence.
For more information please refer to the parents' guide to Class Charts
How do parents and carers access Class Charts?
An invite email has been sent to ALL PARENTS AND CARERS WITH PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY. This is regardless of whether the child resides with that parent.
The email will include a link to download the Class Charts app and an access code to validate your registration. You will also need to validate your registration with your child's date of birth.
How do I add another child to the app?
Once you have set up your Class Charts account with one child, you can navigate to the ‘add pupil’ button and enter the access code and date of birth for the 2nd child.
I already have the School Gateway App, why do I need Class Charts?
From 5th December all communications will be sent as announcements through Class Charts. We will no longer be using the School Gateway app.
Will I still receive text messages?
No, from 5th December, all communication will be sent through Class Charts. This includes detention notifications for the same day. Parents and carers will need to check the app to see if their child has an after-school detention.