Results Day 2024
Results can be collected from school on Thursday 22nd August between 9.00am and 10.30am in the sports hall. Members of staff will be available to support pupils to understand their results and answer any questions they may have about the results themselves or the planned next steps to further study in September 2024.
Results can either be collected in person by the student, emailed to the student’s school email address by prior arrangement or collected by a parent/guardian with written permission from the student. If you have not completed the document below already please use the link below.
Please note, emails will not be sent out until after 2pm on Thursday 22nd August and anyone collecting results on behalf of students will have to show identification before the results can be released to them.
Link to register for exam results by email or alternative collection
Uncollected results will not be posted out. Any queries regarding results should be directed to exams@alderchs.uk
Post Result Services
These are services provided by the exam board to support candidates with their results. These are chargeable and the prices vary from board to board. These are to be used if your child maybe didn’t get the result they required for further education after high school. They are subject to deadlines. Please be aware that if these services are used, the exam board can also lower marks as well as increase marks, however the exam board amends the mark will stay that way. Review of Results – Deadline for these services is 16/09/2024
Clerical re-check
A clerical re-check of a marked paper will make sure that:
the board marked all the pages
the board counted all the marks
the result matches the marks on the paper.
Your grade can go down as well as up.
Review of marking
This is a post-results review of the original marking to ensure that the mark scheme has been applied correctly. The awarding body will train its reviewers to conduct reviews of marking accurately and consistently. Reviewers will not re-mark the script. They will only act to correct any errors identified in the original marking.
Please be aware your marks can go up or down, whatever the board changes the mark to will stay that way. Please be aware charges may apply.
Stage 1 – If you are not satisfied with the results from the review of marking you can make an appeal (charges may apply). Deadline for this service is within 30 days of the awarding body issuing the outcome or a review of results service.
Stage 2 - You can request an appeal hearing if you've received the outcome of a preliminary appeal (stage 1) and you're not happy with it. Your appeal hearing application needs to be received within two weeks of receiving the preliminary stage outcome. (charges may apply)
Access to scripts
Copy of script to support review of marking and to support teaching and learning. For teaching and learning purposes, we are able to access students scripts from the summer series. However, we will not do this without gaining consent from the candidate.
For any further queries you can contact exams@alderchs.uk
Certificates will be available for collection from school in early November. We will contact you closer to the time with more information.