We would like to invite you to attend our Year 9 Options and Parents’ Evening on Thursday, 21st March 2024. This evening will be an opportunity for you to come into school to meet with your child’s subject teachers, discuss the progress they are making and ask any questions you have about your child’s option choices in each subject area.
Appointments will be available between 3:30pm and 6:30pm. To book your appointments, you will need to visit: alderchs.schoolcloud.co.uk If you have any problems booking your appointments, please contact the school office.
There will be a general options presentation in the dance studio at 4pm, which will be repeated at 5pm, to talk you through the options booklet and explain the process. This will be a drop-in session, so there is no need to book.
Should you wish to find out more about careers, or GCSE Citizenship or GCSE Psychology, Mr Eaton and Miss Marsh will be available for drop-in appointments.
You are welcome to bring your child along with you to the appointments, but they must be in full school uniform.
A report will be issued which summarises your child’s behaviour and engagement in learning and their current attainment in Year 9 so far.
We look forward to welcoming you. If after Options and Parents’ Evening you still have questions or queries regarding your child’s options choices, please contact options@alderchs.uk and we will ensure that the appropriate member of staff contacts you.