We would like to invite you to attend our Year 7 Welcome to Alder Parents’ Evening on Wednesday, 19th October 2022. This evening will be an opportunity for you to meet with your child’s form tutor face to face and discuss how well they have settled at Alder. Appointments will be available between 3:30pm and 6:30pm. To book your appointment, you will need to visit: alderchs.schoolcloud.co.uk A guide for booking appointments can be found below. Miss Howarth (acting SENDCO) will be available for appointments with specific students, she will contact you directly if she needs to make an appointment with you.  

You are welcome to bring your child along with you to the appointment, but they must be in full school uniform.   

A report will be issued which summarises your child’s behaviour and engagement in learning during their first half term with us.   

On the evening, you will be able to meet Mrs Littlemore and our Year 11 prefects in the ‘Welcome to Alder’ section in the foyer. There will be information about e-safety and ways to support your child’s reading at home from our Literacy Team. We will also have items of pre-loved uniform on sale. To ensure you have sufficient time to look around our Welcome to Alder section, please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment time. If you have any questions about the evening, please contact your child’s form tutor.  We look forward to meeting you in person on the evening. 

Also, as you may be aware, Mrs Littlemore has been promoted to Associate Senior Leader for Behaviour and Inclusion. Our new year 7 progress and pastoral manager (Mrs Paul) will start with us on Monday 10th October. Over the next couple of weeks, Mrs Paul will be working alongside Mrs Littlemore to ensure that there is a smooth handover. If you have any queries relating to your child, your first port of call should be your child’s form tutor. We thank Mrs Littlemore for all of her hard work in ensuring a smooth transition for your child and we welcome Mrs Paul who we know will be a great addition to our pastoral team. 

Parents' Evening

Updated: 11/02/2022 243 KB