Students should attend both transition days wearing their primary school uniform and arrive at 9am. They can arrive either at the front entrance of school or via the back gate entrance, members of staff will be available to direct children from 8.50am. Students will be escorted to the main hall where they will sit with their form tutor.
During the transition days, students will meet with their form tutor and form group, have a tour of the relevant sections of the school (including the dining hall) and join in with a number of ‘getting to know you’ activities. They will learn about our Alder Values and our Alder House System. They will also be introduced to their Progress Leader, Mrs Littlemore and the SENDCo, Mrs Howarth. They will finish the day at 2.15pm. Students can be picked up from the front entrance or the back gate. They can of course, walk home alone with your permission. If parents are collecting student by car please bear in mind the parking restrictions in force and the fact that the car park will already be busy. It might be easier to meet children at the back of school near the open ground between Shaw Avenue and Grange Road South.
There will be a limited lunchtime menu available on Thursday and Friday. If you would like your child to have a school dinner, there will be a charge of £2.32 per day to cover the cost of lunch and a drink. This can be paid for on ParentPay or by sending £4.64 cash in an envelope with the child’s name on. ParentPay activation letters will be issued to parents on Tuesday, 5th July. Students can bring a packed lunch and a healthy snack for their break time if they would prefer. Students entitled to free school meals will automatically receive a lunch.