The Alder House System is a vital part of life at Alder Community High School and aims to:

  • Provide Alder students with opportunities to develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally
  • Encourage Alder students to participate in co-curricular activities where they can discover their interests and talents
  • Enhance Alder students' perception and sensation of belonging and community
  • Prepare Alder students for the next stages of their education


Students at Alder start the journey of belonging to a House when they arrive in Year 7 and will remain in that house for the duration of their school life.

Throughout the school year, students will be given the opportunity to participate in a broad range of activities and competitions of a sporting, intellectual and artistic nature. Students will also celebrate national events and participate in charity fundraising. All of which will be rewarded with Alder House points in the aim to be the House of the Year!


Our Houses

The names of our houses are all empowering characters who display our ALDER values in their success. 

All 4 names of the Houses were voted by students at Alder through a democratic process!



Named after Martin Luther King, best known for Campaigning for the rights of African Americans during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s.

Students in King can be identified by the red logo on their Alder tie.



Named after Emmeline Pankhurst, best known for are her incredible efforts to achieve women’s suffrage in Great Britain.

Students in Pankhurst can be identified by the yellow logo on their Alder tie.



Named after Jamie Tregaskiss, best known for his footballing success with both England and Manchester City’s disability team. Jamie is also a former Alder student.

Students in Tregaskiss can be identified by the white logo on their Alder tie.



Named after Alan Turing, best known for his famous work developing the first modern computers and for decoding the encryption of German Enigma Manchester during WWII.

Students in Turing can be identified by the blue logo on their Alder tie.